
Our 100% Arabica beans come from the Monmouth Coffee company, with whom we have collaborated in one way or another for over 15 years. All our baristas enjoy Monmouth Coffee training and we are great fans of theirs.
According to many, Anita and her team can be credited with helping bring speciality coffee to London back in the day, and they expertly roast fairly traded coffee sourced from farming communities across the globe. Less well known is their work with local communities - something Monmouth don’t shout about so we thought we should!
For those looking for something different, we also have 100% Robusta, a black sheep of the speciality coffee world… So we thought we would get ours from Black Sheep! A relative newcomer to the speciality coffee market, they have nevertheless enjoyed success with their high caffeine beans (around 1.6 times more than in Arabica), low in acidity, perfect for anyone wanting a quick pick-me-up.
We serve all our espresso-based drinks with double shots as our default. Additionally, we also offer other types of coffee, brewed in special ways, including the French Press, filter, pour over and more.
We are looking to expand our coffee offering still further, with guest roasters, events and tastings (some are already happening, keep an eye out for our events).