
From our local neighbourhood of Fitzrovia to farmers’ communities in remote corners of the globe, Coffee, Cake & Kisses aims to create a positive impact.
In our local community we seek out and identify people in need of support or a friendly chat over a cup of coffee. We have been known to assist our neighbours to the doctor’s, give away food and brownies for local charity raffles, and provide a safe space for minority groups to discuss things close to their heart.
We like to partner up with people who likewise have human interests at heart and work to multiple bottom lines.
For example, one of our coffee roasters, Monmouth, has been having a positive impact on farmers lives since 1978, before fair trade initiatives had kicked in. We don't sell big-brand soft drinks, but prefer to work with innovative and socially minded companies.

In terms of our environmental impact, we are committed to recycling and have our recycling certificates to show for it.