
What of the kisses, you may ask?
With everything for sale except for the staff, Coffee, Cake & Kisses celebrates bonds between people, and their common expression, the kiss.
Make of it what you will - an actual kiss, an embrace, or a hug. They are all on offer, and we have customers coming for free hugs! In a broader way, these are all celebrations of those unique connections we share every day, and of our shared humanity.
If you’d rather not dive in for a touch, take this as tongue-in-cheek fun, a conversation-starter which you will remember for its warmth and the quality service you experience.
The kiss is to us a relationship symbol, and not a single act.

In addition to enjoyment of food and drink - the “coffee” and “cake” parts - we very much encourage any discussion of relationship issues, from work colleagues to mediation to sex education.
We carefully cultivate our own relationships and, aware of our impacts, are at the centre of our own community. We provide resources for the exploration of self as well as giving a home to a great many social events, many of them non-profit.
“They aim to provide an affordable meeting location for marginalised groups who would otherwise be pushed to the edges of this overpriced and unfriendly city. I was so impressed at this all-encompassing attitude of inclusiveness, the absolute genuineness of the whole experience. I can't express just how much I support this endeavour, and I left feeling infinitely happier about the state of the world, and generally buoyed by positivity.”
RJ, via Yelp